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Applications requiring a username and password at login is known as Single Factor Authentication (SFA). Unfortunately, given how sophisticated hacking mechanisms have become, the username/password approach is no longer enough to ensure security.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) adds another layer of security and enhances the overall security of any system it’s implemented in. Let’s take a close look at MFA and the benefits it has to offer for businesses.

What is Multi-Factor Authentication?

Given the frequency and intensity of data breaches, it’s no surprise that, every year, millions of emails, usernames, and passwords are stolen. Hackers then use this information to confidential information and hold it ransom or directly access and steal from bank accounts.

Multi-Factor Authentication reduces these risks because even when hackers have your password, they will still be unable to access your accounts and sensitive data.

MFA uses multiple techniques to verify the authenticity of users:

  1. Knowledge factors, such as the name of a first pet
  2. Possession factors, such as codes sent to a phone

What are the benefits of Multi-Factor Authentication?

Given the widespread use of portable devices and flexible work practices, such as work-from-home, the risk of data breaches has increased significantly. Fortunately, there are some great ways to enhance network security, including implementing MFA. The main benefits of MFA include:

  1. Improved reliability, as MFA is a cost-effective way to prevent malicious attacks
  2. Enhanced compliance with regulatory laws as well as industry best practices
  3. Stronger security controls in the firm prevent costly breaches and unplanned downtime
  4. Increased flexibility, as employees are no longer confined to their desks and can work securely on the go and from home.

Work with the Cybersecurity Experts Today

At CyberHunter Solutions, we provide expert cybersecurity services and solutions to businesses and organizations in Canada, the US, and the Caribbean.

Our professionals perform detailed network security audits to identify and eliminate all vulnerabilities in your system. We then work closely with our clients to implement remediation procedures, such as multi-factor authentication and secure website hosting.

Call our toll-free phone at 1 833 CYBHUNT to find out more about our services or book a demo for your firm today.