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Cloud networks and software has transformed the way that medicine and healthcare services work altogether. The accessibility and automation possible via the cloud is unparalleled.

However, you should ensure that any healthcare organization that you’re part of conducts regular network vulnerability assessments and has a security protocol in place. Here are just some threats you could be facing.

Attacks Via Ransomware and Malware

Malware and its subtype; ransomware are extremely damaging for healthcare organizations. These are essentially software that infiltrate the system and network and perform malicious actions.

For malware, this can mean frying databases or shutting down certain things. However, ransomware is essentially malware that will only shut down if the demanded ransom is paid to the creator. The software would usually try and obstruct vital processes that would damage the organizations work so that the ransom is paid.

Phishing and Employee Mistakes

Phishing attempts on employees that don’t know any better can be extremely harmful. Phishing happens when a user is tricked into using a link from which a malware gets installed and into the system. This usually works by impersonating a trusted organization or person.

Employees need to be trained for high cybersecurity vigilance, so they don’t make these mistakes. There have also been cases of employees accessing cloud software on a public network, which is a clear security risk.

IoT Vulnerability

Internet of Things or IoT is important here, since many medical processes and devices use IoT to function and record information, especially in a hospital. However, because IoT isn’t monitored as carefully, and is meant to operate automatically, it can be easy to target these devices.

What you need is a network security expert constantly watching for any attacks. The FDA states that medical organizations are responsible for keeping their devices safe, which means you need to figure out your protocol for this ASAP.

Third-Party or Internal Threats

Many hospitals outsource to third party firms, which is a vulnerability. Any information that passes through an external billing or accounts team, for example, can be used to attack your network and software.

Similarly, your own employees could be party to an attack. Most companies forget to protect themselves against internal threats.

Data Breaches

Lastly, your data could be at risk. Healthcare providers not only have to ensure that their medical records are private, they also need detailed records to give care properly. However, that’s what makes your data all the more valuable and makes it a risky target for attacks.

Make sure your healthcare cloud security is on point with help from our cybersecurity threat-hunters. Not only can we perform vulnerability assessments and penetration testing on your networks, we can also help consult with you on basic cybersecurity concepts.

Let us take over — and keep your cloud network safe.