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What is Cyber Security?

The use of technology, methods, and policies to safeguard systems, networks, programs, devices, and data against cyber-attacks is known as cyber security. Its goal is to limit the risk of cyber-attacks and secure systems, networks, and technology from illegal use. Cyberhunter Cyber Security Company Toronto provides Cyber Security.

Why is Cyber Security Important?

  • Cyber attacks are increasingly sophisticated – Cyber attacks continue to grow in sophistication, with attackers using an ever-expanding variety of tactics. These include social engineering, malware and ransomware.
  • Cyber security is a critical, board-level issue – New regulations and reporting requirements make cyber security risk oversight a challenge. The board needs assurance from management that its cyber risk strategies will reduce the risk of attacks and limit financial and operational impacts.

Who Needs Cyber Security?

It is a mistake to believe that you are of no interest to cyber attackers. Everyone who is connected to the Internet needs cyber security. This is because most cyber attacks are automated and aim to exploit common vulnerabilities rather than specific websites or organizations.

Types of Cyber Threats

Common cyber threats include:

  • Ransomware, botnet software, RATs (remote access Trojans), rootkits and bootkits, spyware, Trojans, viruses, and worms are all forms of malware.
  • Backdoors, which allow remote access
  • Formjacking is when malicious code is inserted into internet forms.
  • Cryptojacking is the act of installing unauthorized bitcoin mining software on a computer.
  • DDoS (distributed denial-of-service) assaults overwhelm servers, systems, and networks with traffic in order to bring them down.
  • DNS (domain name system) poisoning attacks, in which the DNS is compromised, and traffic is redirected to hostile websites.

What are the Five Types of Cyber Security?

  1. Critical infrastructure cyber security – Because SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) systems generally depend on outdated software, critical infrastructure businesses are more susceptible to attack than others. The Regulations, among other things, require businesses to take suitable technological and organizational steps to control their security risks.
  2. Network security – Addressing vulnerabilities in your operating systems and network architecture, such as servers and hosts, firewalls and wireless access points, and network protocols is part of network security.
  3. Cloud Security – The security of data, apps, and infrastructure on the Cloud is the focus of cloud security.
  4. IoT (Internet of Things) security – IoT security entails safeguarding IoT-connected smart devices and networks. IoT devices are things that connect to the Internet without human interaction, such as smart fire alarms, lighting, thermostats, and other appliances.
  5. Application security – Addressing vulnerabilities caused by insecure development processes in designing, coding, and publishing software or a website is what application security entails.

Challenges of Cyber Security

Cyber Security Toronto Cyberhunter

Mitigating cyber security concerns in your business may be difficult. This is particularly true if you’ve switched to remote working and have less control over employee behaviour and device security. A comprehensive strategy must include your whole IT infrastructure and be based on frequent risk assessments.

What are the Consequences of a Cyber Attack?

Cyber assaults may cost businesses billions of pounds and create significant harm. Organizations affected may lose critical data and risk penalties and reputational harm.

Managing Cyber Security

Effective cyber security management must begin at the very top of the firm. A strong cyber security culture, backed by frequent training, will guarantee that every employee understands cyber security as their duty and intuitively defaults to security. Good security and efficient working habits must coexist.

How to Approach Cyber Security

A risk-based approach to cyber security will guarantee that your resources are directed to the most critical areas. The most effective and cost-effective strategy to defend your company is to conduct frequent cyber security risk assessments to detect and analyze your vulnerabilities.


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